Lactate Threshold Testing


Lactate threshold testing checks the performance of your anaerobic endurance, an essential factor for success in sports requiring bursts of energy like sprinting, wrestling, and mixed-demand sports.

Our tests are performed by qualified phlebotomists, with complete care, to provide both safe and reliable data across all tests.

Understand your limitations - then overcome them.

For the most detailed assessent of your performance, we also offer a ‘Performance Package’ which combines VO2 max and Lactate Threshold for £210.00

Raise your threshold…

Improving your lactate threshold is one of the best things you can do for performance - accounting for the success of high-LT athletes in almost every sport - both endurance and repeated bout sports.

If you’re playing any sport that extends beyond 15 seconds, your lactate threshold is an essential factor in your long-term success: either elevating your performance ‘ceiling’ or reducing the risk of gassing out when you need to dig into your reserves.

The best in the world succeed with a higher LT than the competition - measure (and improve) yours with a test from our qualified experts!

Commit to real progress with a test


  • You should get a Lactate Threshold test because they're a huge part of almost every sport (I can only think of throwing and Weightlifting where they're not crucial).

    Every sport that relies on repeated or prolonged effort benefits from Lactate Threshold improvements. Testing and planning those LT improvements are invaluable to coaches and self-coached athletes.

    Lactate Threshold testing and improvement is one of the most common ways to turn intermediate athletes into elite performers.

  • Everyone can benefit from Lactate Threshold testing - almost every sport relies on anaerobic endurance for elite performance.

    (The only exceptions I can think of are Olympic Weightlifting and Throwing)

    Everything from marathon-running to Football to Rugby to Swimming relies on Lactate Threshold. It provides test to those 'extra gears' and deep reserves that elite athletes seem to have when they're in need

    You should get a Lactate Threshold test if you want to make data-driven decisions about improving your performance more effectively.

  • A Lactate Threshold Test takes 1 hour - though only 30 minutes of this time will be spent testing. The rest of the time is for warm-ups, discussion, cool-down, and a little bit of extra time so you're always on schedule.

    With qualified experts and a well-refined process, you'll receive a full Lactate Threshold test with plenty of time-buffer, an easy time testing, and the most reliable results in London.

  • Lactate Threshold testing helps you understand your performance across a range of intensities, so you can identify your performance and where it should improve.

    All Physiology testing is a way of measuring existing performance and using that data (and our expert insight) to drive changes in your training.